Another great vintage embroidery design from the folks at Godey’s Lady’s Magazine.
This time we have a section of grape vine with leaves and clusters of grapes.
I can just see the grape clusters made with a group of French Knots made using several slightly different shades of purple or green. It might be a little challenging to stitch so many French Knots in the same place, but the look would definitely be worth it. And like the embroidery diagram already shows, try placing some of the knots over and under each other to create even more depth and a three-dimensional appearance.
This vintage grape embroidery design could easily be used alone or as a continuous border with each pattern slightly overlapping of just placed closely together.
I think that it would look best if the leaves were left in outline rather than filled with stitching to keep all of the focus and texture on the grapes.
If you do make something with this vintage grape embroidery design, I would love to see it and share it with my site’s visitors.
There are so many amazing things in the public domain. Thanks for the find!